Monday, May 17, 2010

Banana Smoothie!

* 2 cups milk
* 1 medium banana, sliced and frozen
* 3 tablespoon cocoa powder
* 2 tablespoon honey
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine everything in a blender and serve!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Dunking Dumplings!

These little treats are something to spice up a good old standard stew. Would work well with Goulash or any version of stew, even for a curry they would be fab!

Cheesy Thyme dumplings
* 300g (2 cup) self-raising flour
* 60g (1 1/2 tbs) butter, chilled, cubed
* 70g (2/3 cup) coarsely grated cheddar
* 2 tbs chopped fresh thyme
* 3/4 cup of Milk

Place flour in the food processer and add butter, it does help if the butter is cold and cubed into about 1cm cubes. Whizz it around for a bit until you get the consistency of breadcrumbs. Stir in the cheese and the thyme and then add the milk until you get a nice solid dough. Don't over mix!!

Then make balls out of the mixture, I used a heaped tablespoon to get the mixture into relatively even balls. I then put them aside to sit for a while before placing in the stew.

The stew I had been cooking was in the slow cooker, but this would work just as well for a casserole dish. I was also making a large stew to freeze some, and so you could easily half this recipe if you only had a small dish or weren't cooking for many. The dumplings almost double in size when they are cooked.

These take around 15-20 minutes to cook, so put time it for when you want to serve. When placing them in the stew, put them evenly around the whole dish, making sure there is room for them to expand. Once they were cooked, I put the whole slow cooker pot under the grill for 5m to brown the tops, but that is more an aesthetic thing!